Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Me, myself and I

Apparently some topics are taboo. Apparently, I don't care.
Why do we collectively pretend that we don't masturbate? More importantly, if you aren't pretending and you honestly don't, why the hell not?
Masturbation, regardless of what some of your mothers may have told you, isn't dirty. It isn't shameful nor is it embarrassing.
Masturbation serves to help build a relationship with your own body, allows you to explore the ways you like to be touched as well as the ways you don't.
Let's be honest, orgasms are pretty phenomenal. Every now and again I'm in the mood to have one, without all the work that goes with it. I adore my husband and we have a great sex life. That doesn't take away from the fact that on occasion I just want what I want without having to return the favor. And the same goes for him.
Men masturbate. Often. Really often. Men will masturbate to videos, pictures, fantasies, the woman standing in line behind them at the bank, a really strong breeze, a ripe peach. Whatever, you get my point. The difference is that men have no shame about it, and they shouldn't.
Let's take my husband for example ( considering he's a man, and therefor without shame, he won't care that I'm using him), he is a once a day kind of guy. He also has a very healthy and active sex life but that doesn't stop him from indulging in a one off with himself. He's particularly fond of amateur housewifey type porn. How do I know this you ask? Because it isn't a secret, he doesn't hide it from me, and I don't mind that he looks. Who cares. The man has been faithfully married to me for 15 years. If he wants to admire some random internet boobs, so be it. It's healthy. And the fact that our masturbation habits are something we can freely discuss with each other simply adds to the sexy in the bedroom. As a side note, mutual masturbation is a great way to let your other half see exactly how you like your lady-parts fondled.
I, on the other hand, am not a fan of the visual. I prefer a good stranger fantasy. How I get to the finish line isn't the point though, the point is, I masturbate. Alot. There isn't anything wrong with it. I'm not embarrassed. I love my body, I love an orgasm.
Being confident enough to accept your body, to love it, to pamper it and pamper yourself is an exceedingly important step toward becoming a strong, healthy, complete woman.
Oscar Wilde had the right idea when he said " To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance."